Thursday, February 5, 2015

This guy got stood up, so he took his Twitter followers on the best (date free) night of his life


What good night out doesn’t involve a ride on a bull? (Picture: Rex)

The standard reaction to being stood up is to head home to drown your sorrows/eat Nutella from the jar/cry over your Twitter feed, while slowing rocking backwards and forwards.

But, not so for Blaine Gibson, who describes himself on his Twitter page as ‘part-time superhero, full-time romantic’. Blaine’s made of stronger stuff. When life gives him lemons, he goes out, gets wasted and live tweets the entire night.

Wherever that girl is today, she’s no doubt kicking herself that she missed out on a night with Blaine. Unless she’s not a fan of froyo and bull riding. In which case, not so much.

Blaine’s evening began with a bad feeling.

To text or not to text.

The waiters are giving me looks of pity. I’ve ordered my first drink. Radio silence. I’ll give it 10 more minutes before I text her.

— Blaine Gibson (@BGibbles) February 4, 2015

There’s always time for shishito peppers.

No response still. I’ve asked for the check. As well as Some delicious shishito peppers.

— Blaine Gibson (@BGibbles) February 4, 2015

That drink just kicked in then.

Not to sound totally Miss America, but I hope she’s ok and not in some sort of accident.

Alright Twitter, WHO WANTS TO GET WASTED!?

— Blaine Gibson (@BGibbles) February 4, 2015

Guess who got stood up on a date for the 1st time but doesn’t care because he’s got awesome friends?


— Blaine Gibson (@BGibbles) February 4, 2015


I’m making lemonade out of lemons, folks. Y’all are my date tonight. LET’S GO HAVE FUN IN DOWNTOWN AUSTIN.

— Blaine Gibson (@BGibbles) February 4, 2015

There was froyo.

First stop, Berry Austin! Best froyo in Austin! Shoutout to Amanda for being awesome!

— Blaine Gibson (@BGibbles) February 4, 2015

And a trip to the toy shop.

Next stop, Toy Joy! Ran into two @RoosterTeeth fans! Shoutout to Joey who met his special someone at RTX!

— Blaine Gibson (@BGibbles) February 4, 2015

The Friends Bar y’all.

Next is Friends Bar! Shoutout to Scott from the Aaron James band! They play every Tuesday. Sweet tunes, y’all!

— Blaine Gibson (@BGibbles) February 4, 2015

There were photobooth lols.

HAHAHA – @appleind #photobooth

— Blaine Gibson (@BGibbles) February 4, 2015

This happened.

Shoutout to Greg from the Trophy Club for not breaking my neck on the mechanical bull! The dude just surfed on it!

— Blaine Gibson (@BGibbles) February 4, 2015

And then there was nothing for it but to get a rickshaw all the way home. Classic.

Rounding out the night with the best pedicabber in Austin, Mr. John!

— Blaine Gibson (@BGibbles) February 4, 2015

Blaine, you’re our hero.

Home safe & sound! It’s been a rough week but y’all have been awesome. Always be positive!

Milk & cookies are on me.

— Blaine Gibson (@BGibbles) February 4, 2015

Oh what a night.

…read more

This guy got stood up, so he took his Twitter followers on the best (date free) night of his life

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